Quit dieting, Start forming new habits
We wish to invent a BS meter to alert people of opportunistic, profit-driven, misinformation-spewing diet sharks. If weight loss were as simple as calories-in versus calories-out we’d be out of business. A mounting body of research is proving that the quality of foods is more important than quantity. Restricting puts your body and mind into a tailspin of confusion, slows your metabolism, and ramps up cravings. If this sounds like you, let us help you move you from yo-yo dieting and fighting your body to working with it, like a gardener cultivating a healthy microbiome, with a harvest of balanced mind and body.
About US
Fort Collins CO's Premier Dietitian Nutritionists
Our team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists are licensed healthcare practitioners and the most credible source for nutrition information.
Please reach out anytime via text, email, or phone. We’d love to connect, hear your story, and answer your questions.
We would be honored to hear your story and discuss your specific health needs and expectations. You can get a feel for our process and our style to see if it serves you. If we can’t help you, we will be happy to refer you to a trusted colleague that might be a better fit.
A few things at which we excel include moderate eating disorders, mindful/intuitive eating, weight regulation, gut rehab, high blood sugar/insulin levels, intermittent fasting, prenatal nutrition, hormone balance, autoimmunity and complex health cases.
A few things at which we don’t excel include sports nutrition (macros, competition prep, etc.), vegetarian or vegan diets, Type 1 Diabetes and pre-set meal plans. We can offer individualized lists of foods on which to focus, recipe ideas, and meal planning services. Since your are the expert on your tastebuds, lifestyle, skills and limitations, our heart is to empower you to DIY so that you aren’t depend on our services forever.
The first visit is the most comprehensive. We review your health history, chat about your current diet, supplements and medications, and discuss which goals are important to you. We take a bit of time for nutrition education and propose an action pathway.
Between visits, we gather more information, such as labs or a food and symptom journal. We will ask that you try an action step and assess the outcomes. At each visit we will offer more concrete education and action items.
Plan on a full hour for each appointment.
We accept the following insurances:
Access One
Banner Health Plan
Cigna (NOT in network with Cigna Local Plus)
Great West
Health Allies
Medical Resource
Poudre School District EAS
Rocky Mountain Health Plans
While many insurances pay for our services, coverage varies plan by plan and we cannot guarantee payment. It is up to the insured to check benefits before coming in (we can help w/details and a script) and to pay whatever portion insurance dose not pay, be it your deductible, co-pay and/or co-insurance.ith
Lose weight, Gain Energy, Beat Disease
Download our free Food and Sympton Journal